Discover the Ministry

What is an Encounter?

Encounters are life-changing events that have been designed to help individuals foster a closer relationship with Jesus Christ through a direct experience of God’s presence and love. These events are aimed at men, women, youth, and marriages, and they offer a unique opportunity to connect with God on a personal self reflective level.

Unlike traditional seminars or events, Encounters are centered around sharing real-life stories from individuals who have experienced transformation through their faith in Jesus Christ. These stories are incredibly powerful and help participants to understand the importance of putting Christ at the center of their lives and relationships.

Encounters span three days and offer an intensive schedule of activities designed to lead participants into a deeper trust, a new or renewed faith, and experience the presence and love of God. The Holy Spirit guides each individual through the proceedings, encouraging attendees to engage with the Word of God and discover more about themselves through testimonies from fellow believers.

Encounters are characterized by their inclusivity, welcoming people from all walks of life, from seekers of truth to all Christian denominations. This creates a relatable and impactful experience that has a strong record of leading participants into profound personal change, new friendships, and community, and a more profound commitment to Christ and His teachings.

If you want to deepen your relationship with Jesus Christ and experience personal transformation, Encounters are an excellent opportunity. The events are led by past attendees who care for the next group and even share their own personal testimonies of faith and transformation. Encounters aim to create an environment that is conducive to spiritual growth, spiritual healing, and faith renewal.

Changing lives one Encounter at a time.

Changing Lives


“What a meaningful and relationally fulfilling time we shared at Men’s Encounter 2.0! This get-together fosters and encourages deep connections as many of the attendees have been coming for years. I love how the men have years of history loving each-other well, and therein have created a haven wherein we can talk freely about our scariest fears and questions about God, the church, anxieties, and how the Bible speaks to them. It provides soul-care and an intimate brotherhood so lacking in our world. I am looking forward to our next gathering for the healing and soul-soothing-salve it always brings.”

– Karl Moe

“I loved it, It was a fun and amazing time for me. This Ministry has brought me closer to my walk with God. The other Ladies, whose are full of faith and strength, are showing me new ways to look at my walk with God, knowing that each of us faces, battles, and turns to God for strength and guidance. Up until recently, I would call myself a closet Christian. To understand this, I have always been a believer in God, but to tell the world about my faith, my lips were zipped. I truly did not see a need for me to shout out to the world. But the need is here, I need to let others know how he saved my life – countless times. When he does it for me, he can do it for others as well. Nothing is stopping God but your fears of trusting in him. and the GROW experience is a steppingstone to where God is leading me to. Yep, I back up, I stumble forward, not believing in me, but God does. As I was listening about Ruth and talking with the other ladies, I am learning to talk out loud with and about God around other believers. I like listening to the stories about what happened in the Bible, especially the women in the Bible. I’m slowly getting better at this.”

– Cheryl Fletcher

“Ed and I, who both grew up in Christian homes as believers, have been on a long and rough journey in our 18+ years of marriage of discovering hidden sins which surfaced after a slow and painful trickle over the last decade. Since discovery, to disclosure, to therapy, to attending and serving at Men’s and Women’s Encounters, to individual group work (“7 Pillars” and “Betrayal and Beyond” by Pure Desires), we finally had a breakthrough in our marriage after attending our first Marriage Encounter together this month (March 2024).

We had both been working so hard in our healing process individually for the past couple of years and it felt like we hit a plateau in our marriage – Ed was pursuing His recovery with God and other brothers in Christ and I was pursuing my recovery with God and other sisters in Christ. However, I felt hopeless in our marriage as a couple pursuing God because it felt like we were on two separate islands.

Thankfully, the Marriage Encounter, where we were encouraged to put God first and then each other second- “together”- was the uniting bridge we were missing and so desperately needed to be connected. The structure and layout of the Marriage Encounter, the preparations and prayers, the environment and facility, the content and worship, the facilitators and servers, the speakers and attendees, and all the testimonies were all sovereignly conducive to allowing God to open us deeply to Him and each other so intimately and authentically that the Holy Spirit was able to freely flow and operate in our hearts without hinderance all weekend!

Sweet dreams and God bless,
Trish Hsu

Not your typical ministry

What we believe &
how we live it

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