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Serve at the Encounter
Without fail, nearly everyone who attends an Encounter will hear the call to serve their brothers and sisters in Christ — for most this happens even before the weekend is over. The reality is, what happens at the Encounter weekend is only one small part of the true purpose of this ministry. The deeper purpose is to get men and women re-connected to their families, their church, and their community.
Encounter is designed to take your relationship with Christ, and others, to a deeper and more secure level. Serving others is what Christ did and in doing so, He demonstrated what He expects His followers to do. In putting our faith into action, we learn kindness, compassion, selflessness, generosity, patience, the true value of others and purpose in our own life.
For those who have attended and are ready to take their Encounter experience to the next level, we encourage you to talk to one of our leaders about serving at one of the upcoming events. In preparation to serve, you are welcome to come as an attendee as many times as you need.
While there are no requirements beyond attending, serving at an Encounter is not a commitment to be taken lightly. Every server has to sacrifice valuable time, energy, and resources; this commitment goes far beyond just the weekend and begins with weeks of prayer, fasting, planning, and preparation before and after. We always stress the following before choosing to serve:
Pray hard about it with your brothers and sisters (Proverbs 15:22).
Pray and discuss with your spouse or fiancée (1 Peter 3:7).
Attend church, join a life group, and start serving your community (Acts 2:42).
Our only expectation for both attendees and servers is evidence of ongoing spiritual growth marked by progressive life change in you.
If you have further questions, please call us at 775-830-1730.