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As men, we are called to seek after God first. The Encounter is three days of intense Spirit-led learning and testimony by men from all walks of life. Every Encounter is a unique and individual experience where men can discover what happened at the cross and how their lives can be changed forever because of God’s infinite grace.

If the fee is a financial hardship and you cannot fully cover the cost of the Encounter, please get in touch with us to discuss alternative financial possibilities.

Alternatively, this ministry is a non-profit organization. If you feel led to bless someone who may not be able to afford an Encounter fee, you can donate at our website at www.encounterministry.life.

Cancelation Policy:
Cancellations are eligible for a full refund with a week’s advance notice. The fee is non-transferable.

City On a Hill Church
1140 Morrison Dr, Fort Worth, Tx 76120

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